Research Project
Research through Design - Awareness of data survellience for young people in Taiwan
Empower the system with Swedish Education - UX Research Workshop
Ethic Design Research - Materialising Ideas
Data-centered research: how data is delivered? (on the progress)
e90 Application App: Discovery Research
Daodao education UX Research: validating need
Collaborative Workshop Project
Ethic Research Workshop with design worker(London, UK)
2022.04 - 2022.06
Research through Design - The data awareness Workshop
(London, UK)
2022.03 - 2022.06
Discovery Research Workshop - How to empower the system
(karlskrona, Sweden/ Remote)
2021.09 - 2021.10
Anti-discriminatory of AI UX - Workshop
(London, UK/ Netherlands)
2021.09 - 2021.10
How to combat online abuse with chatbot Program (With Feminist Internet)
(London, UK)
2020.01 - 2020.02
→ Medium