Research Project

Research through Design - Awareness of
data survellience for young people in Taiwan

Empower the system with Swedish Education - UX Research Workshop 

Ethic Design Research -  Materialising Ideas

Data-centered research: how data is delivered? (on the progress)

e90 Application App: Discovery Research

Daodao education UX Research: validating need

Collaborative Workshop Project

Ethic Research Workshop with design worker
(London, UK) 
2022.04 - 2022.06

Research through Design - The data awareness Workshop
(London, UK)
2022.03 - 2022.06   

Discovery Research Workshop - How to empower the system
(karlskrona, Sweden/ Remote)
2021.09 - 2021.10  

Anti-discriminatory of AI UX - Workshop
(London, UK/ Netherlands)
2021.09 - 2021.10

How to combat online abuse with chatbot Program (With Feminist Internet)
(London, UK)
2020.01 - 2020.02 
→ Email
→ Medium

Chao-Ling Chyou worked cross design, research and objects with invisible and visible interfaces based in London and Taipei.    

Her practice is informed by diversity of research methods with objects and design rationale to figure out the relationship between online survelliance, data ownership, AI , product and young people.    
All topics will be inspired by daily objects in our life for researching people’s bahaviours and thoughts.   

2024 - Present

@Copyright Chao-Ling Chyou